Mike Rogers reminded me of this compilation and my 2002 review when he played a track by Strawberry Mud Pie! on his weekly WFMU show. I also noticed that the Hot Shots' contribution "I'm in Love" was co-written by Deke Dickerson and Yuichiro Matsushita and was later re-recorded as "I'm In Love With You" and appeared on the Hot Shots's 2009 album Teen Street.
It’s always exciting to check out the Japanese music web pages to see what’s going on in a music world one day ahead of the Western world. Yet it’s ultimately frustrating because it’s either a big expensive ordeal to import the music or the language barrier results in a possible e-mail imbroglio. What does one do when they want to hear the full versions of songs by the Apricots (Mama Guitar side project) on this side of the Pacific? Well start with Bomp Mailorder who have made this Barn Homes/1+2 collection a readily available compilation at a domestic price. While there’s nothing as good as Sunnychar, Supersnazz or Mama Guitar, it’s a nice variety pack (largely influenced by the aforementioned groups) of oversea/underground Japanese female-fronted pop circa 2002. Great to play while dreaming of visiting the closet-sized Tokyo record shops some sunny day before heading to one of their early evening shows.